Here's our second gift basket which is absolutely perfect for any of your loved ones that have an insatiable sweet tooth and a special place in their heart for the neighborhood. With Spatzi's granola, Spoonable caramel, and our favorite salted almond chocolate that's made right down the street at Mast Brothers, this Christmas special is sweet in more ways than one. We can put these sugary goodies in a variety of styled gift baskets; from rustic wood to industrial wire - whichever you'd like. If you're interested to know more about the products, pricing, and/or other holiday gift baskets, stop by the shop or call us at 347-227-8424.
Tasting: Spoonable, Brooklyn's Saucy Caramel
Come into the shop today (Saturday, Dec 3rd) to try some of our favorite ultra-sweet and semi-salty caramel. Indulge yourself with four exotic flavor combinations; sesame caramel, salty caramel, peppered orange, and spicy chili. Whether you're stirring a spoonful of Spoonable into a piping hot mulled cider, or if you're drizzling some on top of one of our unique ice creams, this made in Brooklyn sweets company will be your partner in a sweet, sweet crime.